The Council's Constitution


Revised - November 2001

ARTICLE 1 - Name

This organization shall be known as the Alberta Petrochemical Safety Council (Northern). Herein, it shall be referred to as the Council.

ARTICLE 2 - Objectives

The objectives of the Council shall be collectively improving the workplace environment by updating Safety Standards and Loss Control practices by:

2.1 Promoting the improvement of occupational health and safety programs of member companies through collective sharing of information , experiences, programs and training.
2.2 Interacting with and supporting other councils in the influencing of legislative bodies in the formulation and application of Occupational Health and Safety legislation.
2.3 Establishing channels of communication with Safety Professionals, Government Agencies, Member Company Senior Management, other Safety Associations and the public when assistance or guidance is needed.
2.4 Providing recognition to Member Companies for outstanding Safety Achievements on an annual basis.

ARTICLE 3 - Membership

3.1 Membership on the Council shall consist of companies engaged in various aspects of, or associated with the Petro Chemical Industry in Alberta. Members will be admitted through the membership committee with the approval of the Council membership at large.
3.2 Each member company will be required to pay annual dues of an amount determined by the Council at the annual meeting.
3.3 Honorary memberships will be granted to selected members of the safety profession as approved by the Council at large.

ARTICLE 4 - Voting Privileges

Each member company, shall be allowed one vote at the Council meeting if:

1. Members dues are paid as required in 3.2.
2. A member's representative attends scheduled Council meetings, and
3. Actively participates on a standing committee.

ARTICLE 5 - Council Officers

The Council executive shall consist of the Chairperson, First Vice Chairperson, Second Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate past Chairperson.

ARTICLE 6 - Election of Officers

6.1 Elections for the position of First and Second Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be conducted every two years at the Annual meeting.
6.2 The First Vice-Chairperson shall automatically progress to the chair unless challenged.
6.3 Any challenges to the progression of the First Vice-Chairperson must be made in writing to the current Chairperson . prior to the meeting before the Annual meeting.
6.4 The nominations Committee shall present a slate of candidates for election to the Council Executive at the Annual Meeting.
6.5 After acceptance of the candidates presented, the Chairperson shall call for nominations from the floor. All nominations must be accepted by the nominee, either in person or if absent, in writing.
6.6 The Chairperson shall close nominations, after which no further nominations will be accepted.
6.7 The elections shall be conducted by show of hands. The nominated candidates shall leave the Council meeting room while the election is being conducted. The Chairperson shall count the votes and announce the successful candidate. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.
6.8 All elected persons will assume their positions immediately following the annual meeting.
6.9 In the event of a tie, the Council Chairperson shall cast the deciding vote.
6.10 If an executive member is unable to assume or continue in the position, the vacant position shall be filled by election or by any other means chosen by the remaining executive, subject to approval by the council.

ARTICLE 7 - Council Meetings

7.1 The Council meetings will be held on the third Thursday of the months of January, March, May, July, September and November unless otherwise changed by the council.
7.2 Executive meetings of the Council shall be held prior to the regular meetings.
7.3 Emergency meetings may be called without notice if sufficient circumstances demand it.
7.4 The November meeting of the Council shall be called the annual meeting.

ARTICLE 8 - Duties of Officers

8.1 The Chairperson shall:
8.1.1 Preside over all meetings and provide direction and guidance to ensure all activities are directed toward the achievement of the Council objectives.
8.1.2 State all questions to be voted on, call for votes, and announce results to the Council.
8.1.3 Chair the nominations committee as well as preside over the election of all Council officers, and announce results of elections to the Council.
8.1.4 Not make a motion or take part in a vote while in the chair unless such a vote is a deciding vote.
8.1.5 Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
8.1.6 Be responsible to the Council for the bank account set up in the name of the Council and co-sign cheques for the payment of approved accounts, along with the Treasurer or Vice Chairpersons.
8.1.7 Be Master of Ceremonies of the Annual Safety Awards Night banquet.
8.1.8 Appoint a Nominating Committee at the September meeting of the election year.
8.1.9 Vacate and delegate the chair to a temporary Chairperson in order to enter into the discussion of any subject with the intent of expressing his/her opinion of the subject.
8.1.10 Represent or cause to be represented, this Council at other council or organizations as required.
8.2 The First Vice Chairperson shall:
8.2.1 In the absence of the Chairperson, assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson.
8.2.2 Co-sign cheques for the payment of approved accounts with the Treasurer or Chairperson or Vice Chairpersons.
8.2.3 Chair the Social and Awards Committee.
8.2.4 Perform other functions as designated by the Chairperson.
8.3 The Second Vice Chairperson shall:
8.3.1 In the absence of the Chairperson or the First Vice Chairperson assume the duties and responsibilities of the Chairperson.
8.3.2 Chair the Membership Committee.
8.3.3 Co-sign cheques for the payment of approved accounts with the Treasurer or Chairperson or Vice Chairpersons.
8.4 The Secretary shall work in conjunction with the council Administrator to:
8.4.1 Record minutes of all meetings.
8.4.2 Process all correspondence.
8.4.3 Maintain attendance record.
8.4.4 Ensure preparation and distribution of the agenda and minutes for each meeting in conjunction with the Chairperson.
8.4.5 Ensure preparation and distribution in a timely manner of reports as may be required.
8.4.6 Update membership/professional directories.
8.4.7 Arrange meeting facilities for all Council meetings.
8.5 The Treasurer shall:
8.5.1 Keep the accounts of the Council in an orderly and responsible manner.
8.5.2 Be responsible for collection of all fees and receivables, as well as the disbursement of all payables.
8.5.3 Report the Council's financial position at each regular meeting.
8.5.4 Prepare a yearly budget proposal for the approval of the Council at the annual meeting.
8.5.5 Supply a report of the Council's financial activities, audited by two members at large, for the past year at the first meeting of the year.
8.5.6 Co-sign cheques for the payment of approved accounts along with the Chairperson or Vice Chairpersons.
8.6 The Past Chairperson shall:
8.6.1 Be an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.
8.6.2 Be an ex-officio member of all working committees.

ARTICLE 9 - Committees

9.1 For maximum efficiency in achieving the stated article two objectives, the Council shall function through committees.
9.2 The standing committees shall be:
9.2.1 Education and Training
9.2.2 Legislation
9.2.3 Membership
9.2.4 Social and Awards
9.3 The committees shall be formed each election year, at the annual meeting. Member company representatives must serve on a minimum of one committee.
9.4 Other committees may be formed as deemed necessary from time to time to meet Council objectives.
9.5 Each committee will function under a chairperson elected by the committee, with the exception of the Membership Committee, as per Article 8.3.2 and the Social and Awards Committee as per Article 8.2.3.
9.6 Each committee chairperson will present a formal written report at each Council meeting. The report will form part of the meeting minutes.
9.7 The chairperson of each committee and the Council executive shall form the Council Executive Committee.
9.8 Duties of Committees: Refer to Appendix 1.

ARTICLE 10 - Annual Safety Awards

10.1 The Council will, in association with appropriate Alberta Occupational Health and Safety officials, present awards to member companies, qualifying under established guidelines, on an annual basis. (See Appendix 2)
10.2 The awards will be presented at the Annual Awards Banquet.

ARTICLE 11 - Honorary Achievement Award

11.1 The Council will provide Honorary Achievement Awards to individuals that qualify under the guidelines (in Appendix 3) established by the Council.

ARTICLE 12 - Amendments to the Constitution

12.1 This constitution can be amended at any regular meeting of the Council, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing to the membership at the previous regular meeting.
12.2 A quorum consisting of 51% of the paid members must be present.

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